From the Creator of Heartfelt Books...
The creation of Heartfelt Books stems from a sincere interest in the well-being of children, a genuine love of books and literature, and a strong belief in the tenets of relationship-centered care and teaching.
As a dedicated parent, teacher, and child life specialist, I use books as a primary tool to engage children in learning and to enrich their lives with expanded horizons and new perspectives. I find that stories and unique story characters can sometimes provide the inspiration and understanding that we as parents, teachers and medical providers cannot – inspiration and understanding that is sometimes pivotal in situations when the navigation of life experiences calls for hope and courage. Books can, and often do, act as a catalyst for change and adaptation as children face some of life’s difficult challenges.
In the study of narrative medicine and bibliotherapy, and in researching, reading, and reviewing hundreds of children's books, I am hopeful that Heartfelt Books programming will provide valuable reference and resource to those who have been gifted with the role of helping children to adapt, heal and prosper. My hope is that Heartfelt Books will ultimately provide meaningful, inspirational, and joyful interaction for children and for the providers they come to trust.
Mary Pat S. Benning
Creator of Heartfelt Books
The Path to Heartfelt Books....
A Niche, A Passion, A Defining Experience
A Niche
As the daughter of an English teacher and published author, I grew up loving books! With every open book, there was a far-away place and a grand adventure. As I advanced in years and chose teaching as a first career, I brought my books with me. In my classroom, they served as a springboard for new knowledge, lively discussion, and creative expression.
A PassionFor as long as I can remember, I have been a champion for children. There is simply a special place in my heart for kids. Their needs matter... Their feelings truly matter...
A Defining ExperienceNot so long ago, a child of mine was diagnosed with a very serious medical condition. It was a terrifying moment in time when I could not rely solely on myself but instead relied on the intellect, the experience, and the compassion of medical providers. I learned then about the stress inherent to medical trauma. This experience changed my perspective. It truly changed me and my direction.